
Communication processor CP 1616 communications processor CP 1616 PCI card (32-bit; 33/66 MHz; 3.3/5 V) with ASIC ERTEC 400 for


communications processor CP 5621 PCI Express X1 card (32-bit); for connection of a PG or PC with PCI express bus


Communication processor CP 1604 Communications processor CP 1604 PC/104 plus card (32-bit; 33/66 MHz; 3.3/5 V) with asic ERTEC 400


Communication processor CP 5612 Communications processor CP 5612 PCI card for connection connection of a PG or PC with PCI


Communication processor CP 5622 Communications processor CP 5622 PCI Express X1 card for Connection of a PG or PC with


Communication processor CP 1616 Communications processor CP 1616 PCI card (32-bit; 33/66 MHz; 3.3/5 V) with asic ERTEC 400 for


Communication processor CP 5611 A2 communications processor CP 5611 A2 PCI card (32-bit; 3.3/5V; 33/66 MHz) for connection of a